
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Bookings closed


SmarterPics Classroom
3400 Tecumseh River Road, Lansing. MI, MI, 48906

Auto focus is one of the more dependable automated features on modern cameras. But it has it’s limits like anything “auto.” There are a number of tools and techniques that can help you achieve the spot on focusing every time.

In this class we will explore:

Different Auto Focus modes.  When do you use them?

·        Focus Lock
·        Controlling the focus point
·        How and when to use Manual focusing
·        Depth of Field (DOF) – Proximity vs aperture.
·        What is the “Infinity point” and how does it change
·        The unique focusing challenges Macro/Close-up photography.
·        Creative control of Bokeh – the stuff that is out of focus
·        Telephoto vs Wide angle with respect to DOF
·        Drive modes – Single, medium, fast bursts. Artififical intelligence focus

Cost $35
Payable at the start of class


Bookings are closed for this event.