Small Product Photography


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Bookings closed


SmarterPics Classroom
3400 Tecumseh River Road, Lansing. MI, MI, 48906

Small Product Photography

Merchants and crafts people have found that online sales is an important part of marketing their wares. But online sales require high quality photography that represents the value of their product. The better the quality of the image, the more people are willing to pay for a product.

This class is designed to help retailers and crafts people to take their own high quality images using either a camera or cell phone. Mastering inexpensive lighting and sets can help you create a compelling and high value image that will generate more sales and higher profits!!

Topics we will cover will be:

  • Cameras vs Cell Phones

Will your cell phone work? What are the advantages of a camera?

  • Focal lengths and perspective
    Do you use a wide angle or telephoto. Should you shoot high or low or from an angle?
  • Choosing the right ambience for your set
    What is the “look” you want that will best represent your product and fit into your ecommerce framework
  • Stylized vs white backgrounds
    Will the classic floating white background be enough or do you need to create some ambience
  • Creating an inexpensive white set
    What is an inexpensive way to create a white seamless background
  • Economical light sources.
    There are many inexpensive lighting options including window light, led light bars and bricks, flashlights and more
  • Controlling and manipulating lighting sources
    Most products look better under soft light. How to control reflection. Creating texture and shape
  • Basic image processing
    Fundamentals of image editing to enhance the image you capture

You can bring an item or two to class to practice with.

Cost:  $30 –  Payable at start of class


Bookings are closed for this event.